Thursday, June 23, 2022

June.23, 2022

 Yesterday, Brock and Cal came over and played for a few hours. It was nice to see Lindsey and chat with her for a bit. Everyone keeps asking about our house and I just never have any answers for them. We are waiting on the funding to go through and then our contractor will be able to start getting things scheduled better. 

The weather has been so so nice the last couple of days. I think it even got to 85 today, so I was loving it. It's been a busy few days and i'm just loving that it is summer time.

The kids have been fighting so much though. It's seriously starting to get to me. They push each others buttons. They all blame each other for everything and cause problems constantly. Leah is in a hitting phase and just hits everyone when shes mad. She's also so dramatic and screams and yells so much when the boys tease and bug her. All in all it's exhausting and I'm trying to teach them to just get a long. I know it's pretty normal for siblings to fight, but also, i'm not okay with it, so we are working on it. 

We have Airbnb guests coming tomorrow night. They are just staying one night and we are staying out at our property camping. It will be totally fine and I will say, it does make me deep clean and get things super in order before we have guests. We will have people from July.1-5 as well, and i'm not super looking forward to that honestly. I just don't know yet where we will go or what we will do while we have people here. It is good money though. $225/night, so that will be really nice over the holiday. 

Today I took the kids to the zoo and I also took the van into the mechanic to get looked at. We also went to Sams Club and got a few things. It's interesting. The kids are kind of outgrowing the zoo. It's really weird to think they aren't super excited to stare at and ooh and ahh at every animal every time.  Another new phase of parenting that just seems odd. 

I did a long work out today and it was really good. I've worked out 4/4 days this week, and I feel proud of myself for that. It's midnight now, and i've got to get up early, so i'm going to head to bed.

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