Monday, March 15, 2021

March.15, 2021

 Things are going well for us. Life just keeps on going and we are enjoying the ride and grateful for everything. We are still living in our little white house on Dove Ave. We keep saying this year we will move and this year we will move, but really the right opportunity has not come up. I hope when it all falls into place the right way we will feel super at peace and excited about what is next for us.

The kids are amazing. I just love each of them so much. They make me laugh, make me proud, make me angry, make me all the things, but I love them so much.

Layton and Leah just finished up basketball a couple of weeks ago. They did a great job participating and playing hard. Leah was one of the taller players on her team, so she scored a lot. I hope she learns to love sports as much as I do because it truly was magical for me to grow up playing sports. It's so much work and effort and reward all in one.

Kasen didn't want to play basketball this year and that is okay. It was the first year I didn't force him. He did however want me to sign him up for Soccer so he will start that in June. Leah will play this summer too. Layton didn't want to play soccer.

Leah is struggling in school, with not even meeting grade level expectations in some areas, but we sure are trying with her to get her more confident with reading. 

Two weeks ago she came home and the boys told us she kissed a boy. Apparently, it wasn't "he kissed her" or "she kissed him" it was mutual and they kissed each other- on the lips. ugh. We had a big long talk, but it made me sad. She is such a beautiful amazing little girl and i want to hide her from boys till she's 28!

The boys are doing well in school. Both of their lowest grades are in Math, but they are still doing pretty good.

Thomas is selling OxiFresh. The final sale should happen in 2-3 weeks, so that's a little crazy and he doesn't know what he is going to do for work after this. Fortunately, I make enough with Health Coaching and property management that i'm not worried about "not being able to pay the bills", but it also takes away a big sense of security and back up. I do feel a lot of pressure, but at the same time a lot of peace with the decision, and I know it will all work out. It will be an interesting year.

Kasen gets funnier by the day. I love his cute personality. He is loving reading, soccer, legos and friends. He loves to be outside on the trampoline or shooting his bow. His job is always to rinse the dishes after dinner and he's becoming more chill the older he gets.

Layton is still loving to read and write. He loves basketball and is so smart. He excels in school, is a great friend, very helpful and a spiritual giant. He love to jump on the trampoline, play outside, practice basketball and improve himself in every way. 

Thomas is in the bishopric still. He was the second counselor for 2 1/2 years and now DJ Hodges is the bishop and Thomas is now the 1st counselor. He loves his current bishopric so much. The other counselor is Josh Wrathall and secretary Brad McCurdy. He really loves the people he serves with.  

I'm still the compassionate service leader, and it's fine! 

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