Wednesday, November 16, 2022

November.16th- gratitude.

 The last couple of months have been a whole lot of growth, chaos, difficulty and struggle, but today I want to list out ten things i'm grateful for that happened in the last 24 hours.

1. We drove safe to Layton's basketball game and home.

2. We were able to attend a fireside at the church about spiritual giftings and languages. It was a wonderful night and even though we had to zip outta there quickly, it was amazing to feel so refreshed and the spirit so strongly testify of truth.

3. We moved into our new office upstairs in our new work building and it was fun to start feeling like i'll be able to have my own space.

4. I was able to get SO MUCH done at work. Like I feel so on top of things right now. Doesn't mean there aren't still things to do, but i'm grateful for what I did get done.

5. There were no substitutions in my WalMart pick up! yay!

6. I actually made a great dinner that everyone loved.

7. I'm down over 3 lbs since starting on my ten day ultra health focus. That feels really good.

8. I got a really good work out in yesterday morning with a friend.

9. I got paid.

10. I got to Marco Polo with a friend.

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