Friday, February 27, 2015

This and That

eeeek! It's been two weeks already.

The last couple weeks have been filled with busyness! We all had dentist check ups and cleanings which was a good thing since it's been about 7 years since I have been and at least 10 years since Thomas has gone. I finally got the boys in for their 4 year check ups and they officially have a pediatrician now which is nice. I also taught preschool last week and we did all sorts of fun things including a magic show, making baking powder biscuits, a scavenger hunt, playing with "ooey gooey's" as we like to call it (corn starch and water), reading, a trip to the library and other fun stuff. Those kids keep me on my toes.

I get ultra sounds at every appointment, but then in addition I go to the neonatal specialist once a month and they do a full ultra sound of measuring everything etc. I love seeing this little babe so much! As of Tuesday (Feb.24th), little girl is looking great!!! She is 2 lbs 8 oz, measuring 4 days ahead of due date, and is in 60th percentile. During the ultra sound the tech all the sudden did some 3D pics. I was like YOU CAN DO 3D?? haha so she printed out some cute little pics. Baby was super shy though, and the pictures didn't turn out great. Hopefully next time I can get some better ones.

Thomas is running into some hurdles with finding clinical sites to do his MRI training. Intermountain Health Care has a policy of not allowing people to do clinicals unless they are a student. And basically every hospital and clinic in Utah is part of Intermountain Healthcare. Since his program was only 2 weeks he isn't a student. So he might have to go take some random class through Weber, or maybe online through BYUI, just to "technically" be a student. Also, he has to get private liability insurance because the program he went through doesn't offer their "students" insurance. Hopefully it will all work out soon, but it's too bad he hasn't been able to start yet.

I have 6 weeks till I graduate. I have loved this journey of learning and gaining my bachelors, but I am also so ready to be done!!!I just keep thinking about how nice it will be to not have to be on my lap top for a couple hours every day. Thank heavens my kids are the age they are, so it doesn't make it THAT hard to accomplish, but still... it's been quite the long journey and I just want that diploma in my hands.

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