We made it to DC last night! We got here around 9 pm, but it was also was also a wild time zone changing day where we woke up in MST, had a layover in PST, ended the day in EST and it was also daylight savings. ha.
We got an uber from the airport to our cute little airbnb. It's a basement airbnb. The ceilings are only like 7
We got up around 7. Showered, got ready and headed out for the day.
We hit up the American Indian Museum, the Natural History Museum and the American History museum. They were all really cool, but the latter 2 were by far much better. We loved it. Unfortunately, I have two big blisters on the bottom of my foot. Such a stupid mistake to bring new shoes on this trip :( suck. So i'm limping around and got some padding things to go around it.
After all the museums we got the scooters and were able to go to the Washington Monument, the Lincoln memorial, the reflecting pools and the white house. This was my absolute favorite part of the day. It was an absolutely perfect weather day. 64 degrees and sunny. It was so so nice. I'm so grateful for the nice sunny weather today.
My feet hurt pretty bad. Just the blisters and hot spots. I hope I can get around okay tomorrow!
The kids had their first day of the new trimester. It sounds like it went pretty good. The boys both went to track today. Layton absolutely loved it and killed it, and kasen said his was pretty lame and boring. The barely threw the discus and he had to do some running which he did not like. Seems like their classes are good though and they are gonna be amazing for their very last semester of Middle School. SOOOO wild!! I officially feel old having kids going to high school!
I miss the kids, but it's fun to be away and do something different. I'm happy to be here and to be able to help Emily in a couple of days.
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